Monday, October 31, 2011

Caleb's First Halloween

Halloween - such a great kid's holiday! Costumes, candy, and the fun of getting just a little bit frightened... what more could a little person want? Although Caleb's still too young to appreciate Halloween (or just about anything that doesn't involve eating, napping, or being held) we figured we'd drag him along for the experience.

Since he doesn't yet fit into his chicken costume, we dressed Caleb up as Winnie the Pooh.

Willy, nilly, silly old bear! We learned a lesson that many parents have surely learned before us - don't put the kid in the costume too early. By the time trick or treaters started to arrive, a diaper blowout and some spitup necessitated a change of clothing.

Our house in La Honda is too genuinely remote and potentially creepy to attract any trick-or-treaters, so for our third straight year we spent Halloween at our friend Marika's house, which gets good trick-or-treat traffic and has the added bonus of an over-the-top awesome haunted maze across the street. As you can see we did a great job of decorating the porch, but Marika's neighbors' maze features smoke and strobe lights and haunted music and creepy characters jumping out at you. Really a blast.

We're adults - we don't need to dress up!! Instead we had a great potluck meal, with BBQ beef and salad and Robin's delicious pumpkin-peanut butter soup. Here are Marika, Sarah, and Robin giving Caleb the attention he demands!! If he outgrows the chicken costume next year, we'll have to come up with something new!

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